How to run a competition using Maxmail’s two-way SMS marketing system

We all know that worldwide (developed western countries, OECD) mobile phone saturation rates are nearing 100%. Also, we are living in a culture and economy that is driven by fancy gadgets and instant gratification. Customers are only interested in your product or service if you have the answer to their “Right Now” problem.

The old adage of being at the “right place at the right time” has never been more of a reality.

But let me take this old wisdom one step further. The times we live in, for marketeers it is no longer about being in the right place at the right time but delivering the right message, at the right time, through the right channel.

Your customers typically have 2 email addresses, 1 mobile phone, check their emails at least once a day, carry their mobile phones with them, are avid texters and also love free stuff.

So let me show you how using Maxmail you can run a powerful two-way messaging campaign to increase your conversion rates in a matter of seconds and engage buyer interest by inviting them to participate in a competition.

In my example I will use a pseudo PC sales company that speciailses in selling low price computer hardware. John is the store manager and is an avid Maxmail user. Continue reading